About Me

Hello there! My name is Maulana Rafif and people often call me Rafif. When I write this, I'm still at 19 years of age. Time pass really fast when you are distracted by a lot of things going around of your life. For the past couple of year and especially this year, I spend most of my leisure time by watching YouTube videos and streams. I'm really facinated by people that are able to entertain their audiences with various contents continuously. 

I also like to follow the latest news regarding technology to get better understanding of the market so that I wouldn't feel buyers remorse when I bought a technological pieces. This allows me to see whether I should hold on to a product for longer or it's the right time to buy it before it's sold out. I used to chase the latest of audio gear hype as well. I love to hear the difference between a good sounding pair of earphone or headphone and compare it to the competitor. However, due to unfortunate condition of my finance, I'm putting that on hold for now. I hope I can resume that once I'm financially stable.

I'm currently enrolled in Universitas Indonesia for Bachelor Program for Industrial Engineering. This past two years I learned a lot about industry, business, product, system, engineering, and much more. All of that knowledge opens up a wide perspective that I had in high school. I'm still learning and will continue to learn about everything that pique my interests. So, please accompany my journey to obtain many more knowledge in the future. Thank you for visiting my blog, hope you like it.


Here are a few small awards that I managed to obtained as a college student.

3rd Runner up of National Business Case Competition 2020

Top 10 Finalist of Kompetisi Manajemen Nasional 2020

Top 10 Finalist of Young Entrepreneur Days 2019


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