
About This Blog and MIS

This blog is made to fulfill the assignment of Sistem Informasi or Management Information Systems (ENIE605028) which is taught by Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Dachyar, M.Sc. There are lots of journal reviews regarding MIS, so don't forget to bookmark this blog for another update. Hope you like it. Course Class: Sistem Informasi - 02 Course Code: ENIE605028 Term: 6 Credits: 3 Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Dachyar, M.Sc. Learning Objective(s):  Course participants understand  the role of information system management  and technology in the industry to face the  globalization era. Syllabus:  Introduction to information system. Information  system as a competitive advantage. IT  and Electronic Commerce, Enterprise Information  System (ERP), Electronic Commerce. Database  dan Relational Database Management System.  System Analysis and Design. Business Process, MIS  and its relation with RQM dan QS. CBIS. Accounting  Information System. Decision Support System.Executive Information System. Marketing, M

About Me

Hello there!  My name is Maulana Rafif and people often call me Rafif. When I write this, I'm still at 19 years of age. Time pass really fast when you are distracted by a lot of things going around of your life. For the past couple of year and especially this year, I spend most of my leisure time by watching YouTube videos and streams. I'm really facinated by people that are able to entertain their audiences with various contents continuously.  I also like to follow the latest news regarding technology to get better understanding of the market so that I wouldn't feel buyers remorse when I bought a technological pieces. This allows me to see whether I should hold on to a product for longer or it's the right time to buy it before it's sold out. I used to chase the latest of audio gear hype as well. I love to hear the difference between a good sounding pair of earphone or headphone and compare it to the competitor. However, due to unfortunate condition of my finance, I

Journal Review #4

Information Technology Enabled Process Re-engineering for Supply Chain Leagility Paradigma ramping dan gesit dapat digabungkan menjadi Leagilitas. Terdapat dua faktor utama pada leagilitas, yaitu ketangkasan perspektif interaksi proses bisnis dan penggunaan IT untuk meningkatkan proses bisnis rantai pasokan.  Penelitian ini menyelaraskan BPR dalam mendukung IT untuk penyelarasan leagilitas yang lebih mulus dalam rantai pasokan. Kerangka kerja di atas adalah pedoman umum yang ditetapkan untuk rantai pasokan leagile yang sukses.  Terdapat tiga bagian yakni: 1. Bagian kiri merinci berbagai praktik bisnis tingkat luas yang merupakan bagian dari rantai pasokan 2. Bagian kanan menyediakan alat IT untuk mendukung dan mengotomatiskan hal yang sama. 3. Bagian bawah mewakili langkah-langkah yang terlibat untuk adopsi kerangka kerja. Penerapan kerangka kerja mencakup lima langkah yang dijelaskan di bawah ini. 1. Analisis status terkini dari penyebaran bisnis, detail organisasi, atau lanskap siste